
Integrating VIN Scanner Into Your Application (Explained)


Integrating a VIN Scanner into your application is an amazing feature for most of the automotive businesses since its offer reduction in errors due to elimination of manual entry procedures, reduce costs, and makes the operation faster. Faster? Yes, because we all are aware that manual procedures of VIN entry take time whereas a scan is as quick as a blink of an eye. There are various business use cases to have an app that can scan VINs instantly and help retrieve vehicle data such as at the time of buying inventory from auctions, for insurance companies during inspection and claims, dealing with car buying or selling, services and repair shop to have VIN based maintenance alerts and recall data, you name it.

This article will discuss the integration aspects of a mobile VIN scanner into an application or website. So, if you’re looking to build an app with VIN scanning technology read this article and learn how you can integrate a VIN scanner into an application. In the end, we will also tell you an ultimate solution for your mobile VIN scanner application. Let us discuss some basics before going deep into the topic and then we will dig deeper into the VIN scanning integration.

What is a VIN Scanner app?

A VIN scanner is a tool that has the ability to extract VINs from any image or visual and returns it in the form of “text” characters. It uses OCR- Optical Character Recognition technology mostly coupled with machine learning to provide VIN and VIN based vehicle data i.e vehicle specifications, vehicle history, vehicle parts information, vehicle services data and more.

Traditional Hardware Scanner Vs Mobile scanner

Hardware scanners are not cost-effective and technology efficient. Why? Following are a few reasons:

  • They  have a high maintenance cost
  • They are very costly to buy and install
  •  They are not compact and take too much space
  • They have better performance and speed as compared to traditional scanners
  • Incompatible with latest technology i.e Artificial intelligence, machine learning or augmented reality

Therefore, many businesses are now switching to mobile scanning solutions. In that, automotive business are also shifting to mobile scanning solutions.

How to Integrate a Mobile VIN Scanner into your Application?

If you’re in automotive business interested to have an application with VIN scanning technology- get a VIN OCR API.

APIs are quite easy to work with. The API integration is easy and smooth when we choose the best providers. One of the ways to get a mobile VIN scanner app is to look into the best VIN scanning API solution.

The API provider will provide you a key through which you can use their API. No need to invest thousands of dollars in development, no need to invest months into development and cooking the code – get VIN OCR API integrated into your application and you’re all set to scan VINs through your application. 

Vehicle Databases offers VIN OCR API which can be easily integrated into your applications. VIN OCR API provides 99.99% uptime and reliability. In addition to that, the response times and accuracy are unmatched. 

Businesses can integrate VIN OCR to get vehicle data including but not limited to:

  • Vehicle specifications
  • Vehicle history 
  • Auction history
  • Sales history
  • Manufacturer recalls
  • Maintenance schedules
  • Window stickers for all manufacturers and more.

If you are interested in VIN OCR solution – book a meeting today or sign up to get started today.

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