
Classic VIN Decoder API

Access specifications for classic vehicles older than 1981 with our Classic VIN decoder API

Want to see how it works? Introducing Classic Decoder, now offering 20% off on classic car vin lookup! Whether you're a buyer, seller, classic car enthusiast, or just want to see how our API works, you can access detailed vehicle history reports on any classic vehicle in seconds—simply by entering the VIN. Try now

Decode Classic VINs in No Time

Compared to the 17-character modern VIN, decoding classic cars is way harder due to their varied VIN lengths and formats. We are the only ones offering a Classic VIN Decoder API that can help you effortlessly handle decoding for VINs ranging from 5 to 13 digits.
Classic vin vehicle API sample
classic Vehicle

Our Classic Decoder API Service is all you need

Access key details from a classic VIN number, such as the year, make, model, transmission type, fuel usage, engine specifications, and more—essential for your business needs.

Exclusive 20% Off! – Classic Car VIN Lookup

Introducing our client, Classic Decoder, now offering 20% off all vehicle history reports! Whether you're a buyer, seller, classic car enthusiast, or just want to see how our API works, you can access detailed reports on any classic vehicle in seconds—simply by entering the VIN.
Don’t miss out—claim your 20% discount and explore comprehensive vehicle history insights today!

Product Features

Check vin number

5-13 digits Classic VIN Decoding

With the API, you can decode classic VINs for customers. Get a 13 digit VIN decoder or a 10 digit VIN decoder for your business.
Classic car models

Year and Make Identification

It identifies the year and make of the classic vehicle, helping users pinpoint its production date and manufacturer.

Model Information

The API provides data about the specific model of the classic car, including trim levels or variations.
Transmission type

Transmission Type

Reveals whether the vehicle has an automatic or manual transmission, a valuable detail for restoration projects.
Fuel type

Fuel Usage Type

Users can learn whether the classic car is designed for regular gasoline, diesel, or other fuel types.
Car Engine

Engine Specifications

Decodes information about the engine, including its size, type, and relevant specifications.
icon light bulb

Benefits of Using our Classic VIN Decoder API

Use Cases for a Classic VIN Decoder API

car auction

Classic Car Auction Houses

Use our API to enhance your transactions and bidding with detailed vehicle information.
car dealership

Classic Car Dealerships

Use the classic VIN lookup API to provide detailed, trustworthy info about each vehicle, building customer trust.
car rental

Classic Car Rental Services

Verify the authenticity of rental fleet vehicles with the API, ensuring customers receive accurate information and a memorable experience.
car restoration

Classic Car Restoration Businesses

Ensure authenticity in restorations with accurate original specs from the API, enhancing the value of restored classics.
car marketplace

Online Classic Car Marketplaces

Enhance listings with precise VIN decoding, attracting discerning customers and reinforcing platform credibility.
car parts

Auto Parts Suppliers for Classic Cars

Offer precise and reliable part matches by understanding original specifications using the API.
car restoration

Customization and Modification Workshops

Understand original features before modifications to preserve the historical integrity of classic vehicles.
car apps

Classic Car VIN Decoder Apps

Provide classic car VIN check and decoding services to customers interested in buying or selling classic cars.
car insurance

Insurance Companies Covering Classic Cars

Assess the value and authenticity of classic vehicles using the API to determine appropriate coverage and premiums.
Mustang classic vehicle data

Get Classic Vehicle Report via Our Vehicle History API

Discover the timeless appeal of classic vehicle reports, included as part of our comprehensive Vehicle History API features.

What Our Client Saying About Us?

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Redline Used Auto Parts


Thank you so much VehicleDatabases for always being there and ready to help us along the way. I can't say enough about their APIs and data service. Making the access and on ramp to your services easy to consume helped us tremendously build out our Minimal Viable Product of our vehicle valuation app. We were able to integrate their data into our ability to appraise a vehicle in parts combined with other additional services to create our Rehicle appraisal app. We forsee being a long time customer for the foreseeable future as we grow. The pricing plans and capabilities at each level provide us a lot of value for our customers.
Michael Krumpe


Using vehicle databases for our vin decoding for my dealership and very accurate with fast response very happy with their services and pricing.
Homan Tarin


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Frequently Asked Questions

A classic VIN number lookup provides crucial details such as the year, make, model, transmission type, fuel usage, and engine specifications of a vintage vehicle. It’s a comprehensive overview to understand the history and authenticity of a classic car.

Yes, a classic VIN decoder is tailored for classic vehicles. While regular VIN decoders focus on modern 17-character VINs, a classic VIN decoder specializes in decoding 5-13 digit VINs commonly found in classic cars, offering specific details for enthusiasts and collectors.
Yes, whether it’s a 5 digit or 13 digit VIN decoder, they are both designed to decode classic vehicles with shorter VINs. It’s a valuable tool for classic cars that may have 5-13-digit VINs, providing essential information about the vehicle’s origin, specifications, and historical context.

A classic VIN decoder API automates and streamlines the antique VIN lookup process. It not only decodes 5-13 digit VINs but also provides a structured output, including year, make, model, transmission type, fuel type, and engine details. This API is a powerful tool for enthusiasts seeking specific information about classic cars.